The were many speculations on how the weather would turn out on the day of the Club Championship for the OK dingy class. This was the second year running and Benjamin had drummed up a massive interest with a record breaking number of boats. The weather and especially the wind turned out to be the biggest challenge. With windspeed in the range of 8-11 m/s it was decided that the racing be done on a triangular course and that the gybe to be replaced by a tack to equalise the difficulty and provide a fair day on the water for all sailors, seasoned and beginners alike.
19 boats launched after the skippers and came to the start of the first race
The heavy winds and the sea took its toll with a few boats capsizing and withdrawing already during the first race. After a summer of sunshine, clear blue skies and light winds it felt as if the fall had brutally been forced on Viken this Saturday morning.
The winner of the club championship was for the second year in a row Patric Mure. Well done and big congratulations from the whole OKWiken community!
These are the top 15 finisher in the Club Championships
Patric Mure – 4p
Benjamin Hammerö – 5p
Mats Clarsund – 7 p
Håkan Söderberg – 9p
Thomas Uziel – 18p
Jonas Langner – 18p
Per Thorin – 20p
Per Weimenhög – 22p
Peter Hörwing – 22p
Christian Scharup – 23p
Peter Klingberg – 27p
Fredrik Rege – 31p
Fredrik Ottermo – 35p
Cleas Thomasson – 46p
Göran Örtegren – 53p
1:st place Patric
2:nd place Benjamin
4:th place Håkan
5:th place Thomas (SWE 54) & 3:rd place Mats (SWE 16)
A big thanks to the crew that made the racing possible! Michael Hammerö, Joachim Hammerö, Lars Lind, Peter Been and Tomas Nimmervoll did an outstanding job on the water. Photos are courtesy of Mats Håkansson.
The day was rounded off with a grand regatta dinner at Hamnplan 9 where Ola and his staff treated all the sailors and their partners to great food and an amazing atmosphere. There was a lot to celebrate, a great year with many new sailors joining OKWiken and the club championship, but this is a different story!
The local yacht club, Wikens Båtselskap (WBS) and organised a day of racing for the OK class. We piggybacked on the local youth cup “Kullen Cup” to share the crew of volunteers on land and on the water.
Eight visiting sailors join the 11 locals that made up the 19 boat strong fleet lunching swiftly after the skippers meeting at 09:45. The weather was amazing and we had a nice and steady breeze of 5-7 m/s from the north east. The air and water temperature was Mediterranean due to a heatwave over the Scandinavian countries. It was simply a smashing day to go OK racing!
During the course of the day we manged four tight races, each approximately 30 min long and full of tight situations and fun racing for everyone. We had the pleasure of having the seasoned OK sailors Thomas Hansson-Mild joined by Niklas Elder. They proved to be the pair to beat with Benjamin Hammerö to finish of the top 3.
Launch time
Niklas presented with 1:st price
Thomas H-M, 2:nd price
After race social
A great day for racing
Start of 3:rd race
We had intended to run a training camp on Sunday but decided to call if off when a weather front moved in and pushed the wind gusts to 12-13 m/s. Thomas Hansson-Mild held an on the land session with many eager participants.
On the land session with the No.1 ranked Thomas Hansson-Mild on 18 July
A big thank to all volunteers that made this weekend fun and memorable, especially Michael Hammerö, Lars Lind and Per Thorin for the great course and running the on water show with perfection in every detail!
Warm appreciations for our sponsors, Per i Viken for the prices, UP Hallen for the after race hot dogs and condiments and Benjamin for the cold beers.
We hope to see and even bigger turn out in a years time and until then wish everyone a great summer and happy OK racing!
The local yacht club, Wikens Båtselskap, is arranging a local one day regatta as part of the cup between local clubs. We have manage to get an individual start for OK class and a longer course. On popular demand we also arrange a training camp on Sunday, 18 July.
Skippers meeting for the OK class will take place at 09:45 on 17 July. Registration opens at 09:00. The cost to start is only SEK 50. First start of planned three is at 10:55. Please indicate your interest by sending and email with full name and sail number you will be racing with to OKWiken.
After a full day on Öresund we plan a social get together immediately after the price giving ceremony. More details will follow.
If you need a place to stay during the weekend in Viken, Pelle will be able to support with suitable lodging. Please email Pelle
Practice Weather permitting we have on the water practice Wednesdays 18:00 and Saturdays 10:00. During the summer we try to sail as much as possible. If yir want WhatsApp notifications please leu us know.
Racing [NEW] Sailor from the OKWiken fleet plan to race the following regattas:
17 July – WBS Kullen Cup. One day home regatta in Viken hosted by Vikens Båselskap. [link]
The Nordics was planned for 12-13 June at Varbergs Segel Sällskap. Due to the COVID-19 restrictions the organiser decided to cancel the Nordics and run it as local event. Greatly appreciated by many of the Swedish sailors and a few guests from abroad.
On Saturday the wind played havoc and there was no racing. On Sunday the wind had died down and racing got under way at 11 as planned! Four races were completed all while the wind slowly dropped while the shifts and flukiness increased.
Benjamin from WBS finished in 3:rd place
Håkan från WBS finished in 8:th place
Peter from WBS had an unfortunate equipment failure
A few brave sailors made it onto the water also on New Year’s Day. A good start of 2021 – the year when we all look forward to go racing, in Sweden and abroad.
Launching shortly after 10 on New Year’s Day 2021. The biggest challenge getting out of the harbor was to stay away from the patches of seaweed. If not, you soon discovered that you were at the end of the fleet!Håkan was the drivning force behind getting as many sailor as possible onto the water during the holidays. His hard work paid of!
Eleven boats had indicated an interest to join our Christmas day morning regatta. Once in the harbour we found the boat covers white with frost from the overnight temperature drop. The main sheets needed some work before they would run freely and we could soon count ten OK and one laser dinghy on the slip and a handsome gathering of astounded spectators. Everyone were asking them selves, how cold will it be once on the water!
A frosty morning on the dock
Last year on Boxing day, four brave sailors set sail on a misty morning! This year we can clearly say that we have started a tradition! Will we be able to double the number of participants next year?
As we left the harbour the bleak December sun was rising above the horizon and gave a faint sensation of warmth in the face, fingers still cold as they were gripping the cold lines. The wind came out the North / Northeast and the gate start got under way at the red marker in the direction of Elsinore castle. The red navigation marker south of the Viken pier served as top mark, with a large crowd gathered on land.
First downwind leg of the day – racing towards the sun
Tight racing, sometimes a bit too tight!
Back on land after almost three hours of sailing and five good races, all agreed that we had picked the best day! Or did the day pick us? We concluded that we could have stayed out longer but other duties were lining up! No one commented about it being cold and everyone looked forward to the next time we can go sailing!
A special and warm welcome to Otto, who dramatically impacted the average age of the sailors on this day. We hope to see many more sailor of all ages join us in Viken.
The winner takes it all
Patric Mure was presented with the price for placing first. The 1/2 model was built and donated by our patron Christer Malmström. Big congratulations to Patric and big thanks to Christer from all the sailors and spectators on this beautiful Christmas day.
Finally, on the road again! It’s not a statement that you had expected from sailors but after being refrained from racing a whole season it’s a nice feeling to be on the move.
Benjamin with the boats loaded and ready to drive from Viken at 06.00 in the morning on September 9. SWE 72, SWE 101 & SWE 2871
Kieler Woche was the first “real” regatta where the OK sailors from Viken manage to end up above the Covid-19 cut of participants. 50 boats was the maximum at this event, not because of the social distancing on the water but the space available on land! In total we were 6 Swedish boats that made it all the way to Kiel. The organisers were meticulous in their preparations. We all had to fill out forms and read instructions on what to keep in mind before, during and after the event. Needless to say, nothing was left unaddressed by the organiser and face mask were up from entering the gates until the boats were afloat. Once registered we had a badge giving access to the race area, a Covid-19 GPS bracelet tracking all our whereabouts and an arm band to check in and out when leaving the slip to go racing.
Ready to go racing! Patric, Benjamin & Mats on race day
Day 1 – Thursday
Planned start of racing on day 1 was 13:00. With 5-6 nm of sailing before reaching race area KILO the organiser sounded the horn which signal that it was our time to launch at about 11:00. The sun was shining and the winds were beginning to build. As we were sailing towards the Kieler Bucht light house on the horizon the wind increased to a nice and steady breeze of about 10-15 knots. As the wind came over land it was a bit nervous with shifts and varying strength which would cater for competitive racing. We were sharing the race area with the Finns and they started ahead of us. After a few general recalls the regatta was finally under way!
Sailing was competitive and close. Mads Bendix was the leader at the end of day 1 with two firsts and a second. Best placing Swedes were Thomas and Benjamin.
Thomas SWE100
Patric SWE2871
Benjamin SWE72
Mats SWE15
Pontus SWE101
Stefan SWE722
The Swedes that made the Covid-19 cut and lined up in Kiel on September 10
Day 2 – Friday
The second day of racing started very much like day 1. Calm winds in the harbour and a nice warmth when the sun broke through the clouds. The flag on shore indicated that we would race on area KILO again. The routine was the same with the difference that the first start was scheduled for 12.00. Also this day the wind can from the SW and gradually increased as we sailed out to the race area. When the start sequenced commenced the wind had reached a steady 20 knots and three races were scheduled. A few boats decided to call it the day already before first start while other left to sail towards the harbour after a race or two. By 14 – 14:30 the wind had stabilise at 22-24 knots with gusts of 28 knots.
Mads Bendix once again showed his skills and proved that the day 1 results was by no means a coincidence. He repeated day 1 and scored two firsts and a second. The best performing Swedes were Thomas and Patric.
Mads Bendix was unstoppable also Day 2
Day 3 – Saturday
With winds forecasted to stay in the range of 20-30 knots we knew racing would be tough. The start was scheduled for 11:00 and with the precision we had gotten used to the signal to launch was sounded and we all got under way. That is, a few had already decided to stay on shore and save the body from getting beat up again. The sail to race area KILO was swifter than the previous days as the wind had increased earlier than the two previous days. The Finns started before the OK fleet and got a clear to go at their first attempt. Our start followed without hesitation and what would later become the last day of racing was under way. By the end of the day most boats including some of the top scoring boats had ended up capsized. The heavy wind took its toll and a few of us decided to head for shore before the last race. The high and gusty winds didn’t allow for any relaxation and the race towards the harbour for dry clothes and food proved as challenging as the racing in it self.
Bo Petersen was the winner of the day, scoring a first and a second, in the heavy winds. Best Swedes were were once again Thomas and Patric.
Bo Petersen – mastered the tough conditions best of all sailors on Day 3
Day 4 – Sunday
After three days off tough racing and even more wind expected on day 4 an unanimous decision to end the regatta after 8 great races was taken. A few of the top placing sailors started packing up and everyone followed suit. There was no Day 4 in this year’s Kieler Woche! Mads Bendix was the winner, followed by André Budzien and Thomas Hansson-Mild placing third.
Final top 15 results
The organisation of Kieler Woche is impeccable and its a regatta that every sailor with ambitions need to have take part in. Next time we all line up at the start we hope that the Covid-19 pandemic is something in the past and more sailor have the possibility to go racing and experience the great camaraderie in the OK dinghy class.