Three sailors from the OKWiken fleet packed up their boats and headed for the Danish championship in Kerteminde on 27 – 29 August. They were met by traditional Danish hospitality and great arrangements on land and water. After a fairly warm and calm summer the wind had picked up substantially with a NE wind and waves to make the downwind legs both fast and very exciting.
The three sailors showed that a summer of intense practice paid off by all making it into the top 15. A great success and an impressive three days of racing on long courses with a race time of approx 70 min.
Short input from Benjamin after the regatta:
– Uuff, long races, tough and very close racing
– We all (OKWiken) will have to get out and sail more when it blows 8 m/s and above
– The Neapel course include reaching which we normally do not practice
Results from the 67 boat strong lineup

Big congratulations to all and especially to Lars Bergfeldt who only started sailing the OK in August this year. Welcome to and WBS!
Links to OKDIA for additional information: